Kahlua vs Bailey's: What's the Difference?

Kahlúa or Baileys? How do these two cocktail staples stand up when put head-to-head? Let's find out!

The 5 Best Substitutes for Southern Comfort

Looking for an affordable replacement for Southern Comfort? I've compiled a list of the best substitutes for this famous whiskey liqueur to save you time.

4 Cocktails You Can Make with Jim Beam

Got a bottle of Jim Beam kicking around at home? Put it to good use with these whiskey cocktails inspired by the South!

4 Delicious Cocktails That All Use Vanilla Syrup

Got vanilla syrup on hand? Here's a roundup of my favorite cocktails you can make with it.

6 Must-Try Cocktails You Can Make with Malibu & Vodka

Whether you're looking for a refreshing drink for a hot summer day or something to celebrate with, these Malibu-vodka cocktails are sure to hit the spot.

7 Unique Tia Maria Cocktails That You’ll Love

Here are some of my favorite (some infamous, some lesser known) Tia Maria-based cocktails for you to try.