Beer Like Shock Top: 10 Alternatives for Wheat Beer Fans

Love the taste of Shock Top, but looking to expand your palate? Check out this list of beers that taste like Shock Top for a whole new world of options.

Does Grape Juice Go Bad if Not Refrigerated?

Do you need to keep grape juice in the refrigerator? Find out how to store this juice safely.

Like Stella Artois? Here Are 10 Other Beers You Should Try

Love light, crisp lager but looking to expand your horizons beyond Stella Artois? Try these suggestions.

Which Beer Has the Most Yeast?

Find out which type of beer has the most yeast, and how yeast can affect the flavor and look of beer.

7 Wines That Pair Perfectly with Crab Cakes

Discover 7 delicious wines to pair with crab cakes at your next dinner party.

Are Wine Grapes Edible? (Yes, but It’s Not Recommended)

Ever wondered if you can eat wine grapes right off the vine? Find out why you can, but you may not want to!